Welcome to Al-Madani Independent Grammar School (AMIGS) for boys. Our school has been running since September 2018, having been set up by the Abu Haneefa Trust. The school covers Key Stage 3 & 4 education (Ages 11-16). As a Grammar school, it is selective in its intake. As an Independent school, it is fee based.

The school runs five Year groups with a maximum of 24 children per group, so the maximum school size is 120 pupils. Each year group learns a broad academic syllabus. Our school aims to equip your son with essential knowledge for life that will enable him to gain mastery in his academic, personal, and social spheres as well as spiritual success in the dunya and akhirah.

The underpinning ethos of our curriculum at AMIGS embraces everything that your son does. When all is said and done, a boy does not come to AMIGS simply to earn a set of qualifications. That is obviously an important part of what happens in the school, and we take the attainment of the best set of qualifications that each of our boys is capable of achieving very seriously, but it is certainly true that some of the most important things that one learns at school are not really to be measured in terms of qualifications.

Positive habits formed at the beginning of his school career will be crucial in his success. When your son leaves AMIGS, he will have several years’ experience of academic, sporting, and perhaps most importantly, personal growth to look back on, the greater part of the latter having been centred on his year group and the friendships he has made there.
He will almost certainly go on to university or other career progression tracks that he so chooses.

Life at AMIGS is rich, varied, exciting, challenging, sometimes even exhausting, but, above all, with the grace, help and Tawfeeq of Almighty Allaah, enormously rewarding. It is our aim to offer your son such opportunities that will transform him into a fine upstanding young man capable of making substantive contributions to his family, community, society and country.
The AMIGS boy of today is a global citizen and leader of tomorrow, in-shaa-Allaah.

Yet, the most important figures and influence in his life will be his parents, his home circle and wider community. We at school cannot truly educate your son without your help, so we look forward to your fully supportive and cooperative partnership with us. Your contribution will be the indispensable basis and a key component of the student, parents and educators relationship that will effectively contribute to outstanding morals, outstanding behaviour and outstanding educational experiences and achievements, in-shaa-Allah.

With best wishes,

Mr Nyron Gonzales